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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc



For the final question of Creative Critical Reflection, I decided to create a mind map that easily explains my answer in a creative and interesting way .

Here is the final text that I later presented in a simplified mind map:


When developing the idea regarding how I’ve integrated software hardware and online into the creation process of my magazine, I think that each aspect has contributed to the outcome of this distinct and unique project.

Throughout the production process, which was mostly digital, except for very few steps, I used softwares such as IOS, Adobe, Chrome, hardware such as my laptop and camera. Although a form of the final magazine is meant to be printed, the process behind it is mostly digital, especially since this is an online portfolio, all the steps had to be uploaded online, so even the flat plans for example had to eventually become more of a digital process.

Starting with software, as I’ve mentioned before, I used various programs to edit pictures, create the masthead and arrange and assemble the magazine. For example, I used Lightroom to edit my photos, as the software is easy to use especially as I didn’t want anything complicated for most of my images, just small adjustments. However, I had to take some of them into Photoshop to edit them even further, as they had imperfections that Photoshop easily allowed me to edit. After that whole process was done, I started assembling the magazine in Illustrator, where my team and I also created the masthead. Afterwards, after finishing the magazine, I had to return to Photoshop to make the final mockups so I could present my final product professionally.

Other Softwares used:

  • Adobe Acrobat (to convert documents so I can upload them to various platforms such as Issuu)

  • Milanote (a software that allows you to easily organise your ideas and projects into visual boards)

Furthermore, when taking into account hardware, I used many devices, starting with the camera used for my photoshoots, which was a Canon EOS 750D, which provided me with very advanced settings and professional features, that allowed me to explore my creativity even more with settings such as long exposure and more. Other devices I used were my laptop for things such as working on my website, working with all the software mentioned above and much more, while my phone was a great tool for behind the scenes photos, quick edits to my website or images and last but not least, for communicating with my team.

Finalizing with the use of online technology, I used a large and diverse variety of online platforms throughout this long project. Starting with social media, Instagram, where we created an account to interact with the audience and kept up with trends, Pinterest, where we did most of our visual research and got our inspiration from, Youtube where we looked at tutorials and other informational videos and much more. Moreover, to get the fonts used in my magazine, I also used several sites which such as Adobe Fonts and DaFont. Also, to get my mockups I used various free websites from which I could easily download them.

To sum up, each aspect contributed immensely to the creation of the coursework, and an efficient integration of all of these technologies can assure a successful creative project.


Here is the final mind map I created with the app Canva. It has a rather unconventional look but I think it's a very interesting and simple way to showcase the answer to this question.

Click on the image so you can zoom



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