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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc



After I decided on my concept and topic, together with my team we made some very rough sketches and discussed how the layout of the magazine should be. The sketches we did together ware so that all 4 of us can understand each other's vision. We decided to challenge magazine conventions, by respecting only some in our designs.

These sketches are done very rough but will help guide me when I'll create the final flat plans (other post). There are some common things that we agreed on as a team, such as having a rather minimalist cover (when talking about written content) including only the masthead, the issue number and the title of the issue itself.


! all these are just proposals and many things might change during the creation process!

Together with my team we searched through various sites to find the appropriate fonts. We ended up using DaFont for all our fonts and ultimately decided on multiple options for different words/titles/content.

For our cover, as I've mentioned above, we want it to be very simple in terms of written information, so the topic of the magazine will be written in the same font as the Flair font, which is Coolvetica, but in a smaller size and maybe in a different colour, boldness, or variation. For the word Issue, from the main page we were thinking to use the font Steelfish

As for the content pages, we plan on writing the word "contents" from the left page in either StretchPro or Next Art, this we will further decide on when we get to the creation of the actual page.

For the right page from the content double spread, we will mention the articles and editorials in the magazine, as well as other relevant information. We plan on writing the titles (articles/editorial) in the font Kiona.

For our main font we decided upon New Hero. This font we will use for the main text from the articles, and any other information that is not supposed to attract attention at first, especially longer texts.

These fonts are just ideas for now, we could change them in the future if won't still consider some appropriate, however, we should agree on most font changes, if major, as a team, as usually fonts are similar through all editions and issues of a magazine to keep consistency for the audience.


For the colours of the fonts, we will probably stick to black & whites, but we could always be surprised with what might look good when we will create the actual pages of the magazine. The colours shouldn't necessarily be the same throughout all the issues, as each issue might have different colour schemes.



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