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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


When creating a magazine, knowing your audience is crucial.


Not only does knowing your audience help you define your genre, but it also helps you know what designs to opt for, what type of content is appreciated and helps guide you when making many other decisions.

This is why we wanted to get to know the people around us and understand their preferences regarding magazines, so this is why we created the target audience questionnaire.


After some more suggestions and ideas for the questions, we finally chose these questions as they are very simple and straight forward, we strictly want to know what genres they prefer, their age, where they read their magazines and what types of people they are. Through this questionnaire we will definitely better understand our audience.


We "marketed" our questionnaire by sending it to the people we know, while also posting it on our instagram stories (personal and magazine account). This way we got all the answers (a total of 68) within a few hours so we were able to create a target audience profile the same day.

The answers we got are a bit biased, as the people that completed the questionnaire are people that we know personally or follow us on Instagarm, but it's still helpful to know what they prefer.

Since our magazine is youth oriented, we are glad to see that most of our responses indicate that our audience is young and that most of them enjoy fashion magazines most. We were also surprised to learn that 42.6% of them still read their magazines in print format, as most of them are very young. Moreover, we also optionally asked if they prefer any magazines, and we learned that lots of people enjoy Vogue & other popular fashion magazines.



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