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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


This post will be an overview of all the things planned in the previous posts. This will help with a clearer view of Flair Magazine Issue no*2 - Revolutionary Minds.


The masthead we designed is simple, yet eye-catching. My team and I created two similar options, I personally think I will use this one, but we agreed that we can each use the one we want depending on the complexity of the cover. As for the colours, I'm open to different styles so I might change them depending on what looks best.

Fonts & Colours

Regarding fonts, we mostly decided upon clean, simple & easy to read fonts. There is a specific post for that. The colours we will use will differ along all the issues. For my issue especially, I plan to use blacks and whites for the writing mostly, as the pictures will be the main viewing attraction, but this is just an idea and I don't plan to necessarily focus on this to limit my creativity, however, we've agreed as a team that the magazine will be rather minimalist in terms of design, but still impactful, so it's up to each of us to decide what colours we want, besides the pictures.

Visual approach

The visual approach of the magazine is very minimalist, yet still impactful. Fonts are clean but visible, not on the elegant side. The masthead is bold and impactful. As for the general view of the magazine, it will definitely be more unconventional, on the minimalist side, with little writing and a lot of room for interpretation.

Photos style

The style of the pics will be different from each issue, yet similar in some ways. For my issue, the pics will be vibrant, complex and impactful, but these features will mostly apply to all the pictures in all the issues. Since we agreed to all have less text and more pictures, it is obvious to all that the images should be good quality and impactful.


The final genre is "Fashion & Youth Culture",meaning that the magazine should concentrate on fashion, yet relate that to youth culture while promoting young creatives through an artistic perspective.

Target audience

The target audience is mostly young people that are interested in fashion and appreciate art and beauty, as this will not be a commercial magazine full of articles. Our audience will not be that wide considering how many people appreciate these kinds of magazines.



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