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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


As a start for my AS Media Studies exam, I thought that a simple post showing my style is a great introduction, and so below you can see my photographing skills as of today and a peek into my photographic style.

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, my dad and I left for a duo trip to India, with two rucksacks and a vague plan for the trip. We started with southern India and made our way up to Goa, once a Portuguese Province, and then to the city of dreams, Mumbai.

I decided to try and document this trip as much as I could in an artistic manner because I think India is such a culturally interesting country and has so many opportunities for taking amazing photographs. Even though I took all the pictures with my iPhone, I tried to make them as expressive and edited them as well as I could with no experience.

I usually go on trips with my dad as we are more adventurous (when traveling) than my mom and my brother. Through our crazy trips, we don't really like to plan ahead much, because we really like the element of surprise. We enjoy meeting new people, being able to accept new challenges while experiencing the local culture and traditions. In my opinion, one who travels shall explore the hidden parts of a city/country, not the "top three" destinations on trip advisor. We try to take public transport, eat at local restaurants, stay at local accommodations, and meet as many locals.

Below you can find the best pictures I took on this trip:) I also named each of them, for no specific reason, I just thought it enhances the best parts of the photographs, as well as it was a creative challenge for me.

Just a sleepy dog in a crowded city

Man at work

Commuting in Mumbai//women's train wagon

Rush Hour

passing by


The daily shower

A happy guy and his shop on a hot Tuesday morning

Cruisin' in style

Always eat your greens

Hiding from the sun at lunchtime

Crowded alleys of Mumbai

Spices of India

Policeman hiding away from the sun, what a pleasure to work for the government



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