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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


After analysing various media products, I've decided to research the market more in depth, by focusing on learning more about my target audience. I'll be doing this by creating a questionnaire that I'll publish on my instagram story. I kept the questions pretty basic, to get clear responses, as well as not overwhelm anybody so that I can get as many answers as possible.


You can see the questionnaire below:

When choosing the questions for the Google Form I created, I made sure that they are clear and easy to answer.

Even though these are pretty basic questions, I believe they will provide enough information to understand the basis of what I should create in terms of a music video.

I started with some general questions to get an idea of who is answering, then dived into musical preferences, focused on electronic music, as that's the genre I'm working with.

Following that, I then slightly changed the subject to music videos, to understand what people prefer, if they watch any, and

what in particular.

Then I focused the questions on Peggy Gou, to see if people know about her, listen to her music and to what in particular.

After creating the questionnaire, I just had to share it online, and I decided to do that on my personal instagram story, as I already have a following so I knew for sure some people would answer.

Here is the story I posted:


I got a total of 72 answers, from all kinds of people.


Mainly people between the ages of 15 & 24 answered (mostly due to the following I have on insta), however I think it's a good thing because they are the ones that mostly consume electronic music, so the following answers are more relevant to me.


In terms of gender, it was also due to the people that follow me on instagram, however, this did not have such a big impact on the answers as both genders had very mixed answers.


In terms of music taste, the answers were super varied, but what I was interested to see was how many people listen to electronic music, and it was exactly 50%. Higher than I expected, however, electronic music is a vary vague term, so that's why I wanted to see exactly what kind of electronic music people prefer.

I was surprised to see so many varied answers


I was glad to see that so many people said they watch (or sometimes watch) music videos, because that means they are still relevant.

Looking at what type of music videos they prefer, I was glad to see that most prefer narrative based or montage, which is exactly what I envision for my final music video.

I also got many different answers for peoples' favourite music videos, and I can agree that most of them are very well produced and are suitable for their song and genre.

Also, almost everybody answered that they watch music videos on YouTube, and no one suggested any other platform. This is helpful so that I know where to upload it so it will be succesful.



This next (and last) set of questions is focused on Peggy Gou, so that I can find out more about if and what people know about her.

I was surprised to see that 36.1% (26 people) said they've heard about her. More than I've expected since she is not that big of an artist.

Regarding song preferences, they were pretty mixed, and I can agree with that as I think all her songs are brilliant. In terms of music videos, only 14.7% (10 people) said they've watched her music videos.

All the information I've gathered here will further help me when creating the final video, as I will keep in mind peoples' preferences when making decisions.



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