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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


I've always been interested in filmmaking, photography and anything of that sort really, so I've always liked to take pictures and videos of my daily life, romanticising simple things, so when thinking of an idea for my preliminary project, I wanted to explore making something related to my repetitive life, while exploring with different techniques.

I've then decided to transform my preliminary work into more of a project. Let me explain.

I'm sure you've heard of TikTok and instagram's relatively new feature, reels. Reels are short clips (up to 30s) that usually have a song playing in the background. They have been booming lately and people seem to really enjoy them. So I decided that I will be exploring a new type of "music video" that is more up to date with todays trends and easier to consume than normal music videos, as it's shorter and more accessible:)

Now comes the question:

what kind of project?

I've decided to create a 60 day personal challenge in which I'll have to follow some rules to improve overall time management, productivity, mood and so on, and everyday, I'd have to record a reel that would be like a trailer of what happened and how my day went, and ultimately crate 60 mini music videos out of simple daily activities.

The rules:

- wake up before 8am

- 1h exercise everyday

- 10 min meditation daily

- 2.5 l water daily

- no meat

- read 10 pages/day

- journal

- daily reels

Even though this is a very unconventional way to create the preliminary work, I think it will challenge me in some great ways. I will have to get very creative with filming as my daily activities are not that interesting, also, since I will be filming my actual real life, I won't have time to stage much, so I will have to do some amazing work in editing to make everything interesting.

In order for my challenge to be a success online, I've decided to create a hashtag out of it so its easy to recognise by people. Since my family name is "cuc", pronounced "cook", I've decided to make it a little more fun and name the challenge #60daysofcook, as the viewers will see me for 60 days straight, and for the ones that don't know where the "cook" comes from, they will get curious.



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