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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


Before starting my project, I had to plan some things.


Since I will have to choose 60 different songs, I decided to not focus on a certain artist and go with trending sounds so that the challenge is successful, however, if I were to use this challenge to promote a certain artist, it could be very successful.

This is only an idea, and I do not plan to do this with my project because of two reasons:

  1. This is a real project that I will post on my instagram poge, and I do not plan to promote any artist publicly for free for 60 days

  2. I think being able to explore all kinds of songs will allow me to be more creative and explore different types of filming and editing techniques.

Social media nowadays is such an amazing tool for promotion, and if done right, it can be super effective. I think if I were to promote a music album from a certain artist for example, I could've chosen 60 snippets from the songs from that certain album and create the videos using music only from there, creating 6o mini promotional music videos. This way they could become viral and more people would be interested in that certain album.


The making of will stretch over 60 days (obviously) and will consist of hundreds of clips put together.

Each day I'll choose a song for the next day and make a very rough short plan in my head of what shots I'd need the next day. Sometimes, some of the songs have some parts that would fit a certain transition, so I often think of the kind of footage I'd need to create that beforehand.

Regarding what I'm filming, I'll film what I find most aesthetic through my daily routines, and with the use of editing, and interesting camera angles and transitions, I will create daily montages that are interesting, using pretty simple content.


This is the only PROBLEM I'm facing that I didn't think of before, which is a bit of an inconvenience, since I need 2 months straight to do this, and (as I'm writing this on the 12 the of October) I've just realised that I won't be able to do the challenge in the next 2/3 months due to a sudden clutter in my schedule, such as family vacations, exams and many more. So I've made the difficult decision of postponing the challenge until the new year, and have decided to start it after getting back from vacation, on the 10th of January, and finish it exactly 60 days after, on the 10th of march. Even thought this is pretty late for finishing my preliminary work, everything is panned on time, just the filming itself will be "postponed"


I will only need a tripod for getting better shots of my daily activities, along with my iPhone 13pro. For editing, I will use CapCut, as it's accessible and easy to use, and has plenty of features that will spice up the clips (and is available on iPhone)


My friends, family, strangers and myself:)


All over the place, depending where life takes me these two months, but mainly at home, at the gym, and at school.



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