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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


When organising and conducting a creative project like this, there are a bunch of things that can go wrong, but that usually makes the final outcome even better. In terms of my trip to Amsterdam, my flight could have gotten cancelled, and I would've had to replan everything to film the video in my hometown. As for the props, in this case, not that much could go wrong, since I will be filming with my iPhone X, the chances of something happening to it are small (but you never know). Also, since I've never filmed such a "professional" clip, some things my go different than I planned, maybe the shots won't look as good as I envision

To avoid things like these it's good to have a well-done plan for how things should go, yet not plan too rigorously, to still allow room for creativity. In my case, I think my planning for the photoshoots is very well done, and I've anticipated most risks, yet there are always unexpected ones. Overall, I hope things will go smooth, and I hope that if anything unexpected happens, I will overcome with ease and create something beautiful out of.

I remain hopeful that none of these things will happen, however, in the very unprovable case of something happening to my iPhone, I could always ask Ilinca if I could film on hers, and as for the flight, luckily it did not get cancelled (I'm writing this already in Amsterdam), but if I were to be cancelled, I would've adapted and filmed something similar to my plan in my hometown, Cluj.



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