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After all that research, comes some detailed planning. This starts with establishing a concept for the final video.

After listening to the song so many times, I tried to think what it communicates, how it makes me feel, etc. and tried to form my concept around that. The process of brainstorming was a complicated one, I let the ideas flow for a few days and thought of multiple ideas for the concept behind the clip, until I finally managed to outline a final version. Since the song feels like a journey, starting off on a high beat, then transitioning into almost complete silence, with a subtle beat creating anticipation for what's about to come. It all feels like a journey through moments in time. Stillness and movement.

This is exactly why I want to make the video focused on being in the moment, feeling, living. I want it to showcase feeling the music, the beats, everything, how feeling in the moment cancels everything else out, nothing around you matters. Music has the power to do that (to me at least). Whenever I'm walking ot he street and I listen to a good song, I feel the song, I am one with the song, and nothing else around me matters, I fell like I'm floating through the moment. I actually feel like I'm in a music video myself. This is what I want to show through my clip. Feeling the music, and being one with it.

I think the best way of doing this is focusing on one character, and how that person experiences the music, a collection of shots, put into a montage to showcase living in the moment.



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