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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc



I decided to have both my photoshoots in the same day, that being of many reasons. I wanted to limit movement as much as I could as we are in a very uncertain state regarding lockdown and covid regulations, so I wanted to make sure I can check the photoshoots off my list before entering another lockdown. Also, it was too expensive for me and Ana M to get tested twice, and as for some of the props, it was easier for me to borrow them for only one day.

To choose the date, I proposed one that was great for me and luckily everybody agreed with that. I chose a Friday (a no-school Friday) and asked all of them at what time they could come, and we agreed that 12:30 pm would be best for all of us.

Sonia then let me know that she can only come at 3:00 pm, so I decided to switch the order of my shoots, and shoot the pictures on Ana first so I don't have to reschedule or keep anyone waiting.


Budgets are always complicated to estimate right, but I did my best since this was not a complicated shoot. I realised I don't not need to buy any extra props, as I managed to borrow most from here and there, except for the packet of cigarettes. I've also decided that it would be nice of me to buy lunch for everyone there and to pay for transportation between the two locations. I think I'll get pizza's for lunch, and as for transportation I will get two Bolt's, so we all fit.

5 pizza's - 120 ron

Transportation - 20 Ron (10 each)

Packet of Cigarettes - 20 Ron

Total - 160 Ron (~33 euros)



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