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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


When choosing my models, I had to take into consideration multiple things. Since we are in a global pandemic, I couldn't get in contact with many people, so I had to choose people that are close to me. Finally, after thinking for some time who to choose, I decided on my brother Victor and my good friend Sonia. They are both very good-looking yet also have very special, rather uncommon features.

I decided to choose a male and a female in order to express my vision to a wider audience and in a different way, style, and approach towards the two genders, yet still emphasise their similarities as young people, even though they are of different genders.

For the photoshoots we all got PCR Covid tested before and all got a negative result, this was to make sure that the whole process was safe.


Age: 17

Height: 1.65

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Straight Dark Brown


I chose Sonia to be my one of two models for the first photoshoot because I think she has very expressive features, that I plan to enhance in my photos, like her vibrant smile and dark eyes. Sonia does mostly fit into what society deems as beautiful, yet she is still different through her looks, personality and inner style.

I've also worked with her before so I know that she already has a little experience in modelling and is easy to work with.


In terms of styling for Sonia, I want to go for something more minimal, since the photoshoot will be very vibrant due to all the colours. I've agreed with Sonia to both bring some items so we have a wider variety to choose from when creating the different looks on the spot. I showed her my mood board for the photo shoot and told her that the vibe is "modern and street-style", so she should bing some sneakers, some boots, and monochrome outfits she thinks would be appropriate.


As for the make-up, I agreed with Sonia on a natural look, with stronger darker eyes. Since she has very interesting eye features, especially for a Romanian, I thought the eye-makeup should emphasise the fact that she is different, doesn't necessarily fit into the mainstream appearance.


Age: 21

Height: 1.87

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Long Curly Dark Brown


As my other model for the photoshoot, I chose my older brother, Victor. His features are also rather uncommon, especially in our country, he is very handsome yet very different than the conventional male appearance. He challenges male standards constantly through his appearance, yet always manages to look very manly.

Victor also has a little experience with modelling, and we've also done some shots together before, so I already know that we can work well together.


For the outfits, I also want something minimal, monochrome but still interesting. To choose the fits, I've already went to his apartment to look through his closet and tell him what to bring to the shoot, this way there was no confusion regarding what I want. I chose some sneakers, some boots, some monochrome pieces and a burgundy fur.


In order to talk to my models and team, I created a group on iMessage, where I let them know when and where to come and what to bring. These messages are screenshots of me contacting my team for both shoots.

The messages are in Romanian as this is our main language that we all speak with each other because it's a lot easier for us to communicate this way.


My team for the photoshoots consists of the models and one of my team mates, Ana M.

Everybody's roles:

Ana Muresan - helper

I asked Ana M to come to the photoshoot to help me with different things such as behind the scenes photos, helping me with the lighting, with second opinions and much more. Basically, she will be my number two.

Ana Botea - model and helper

Since I will have both the shoots on the same day (covid limits movement and it's uncertain when we will enter another lockdown so I want to take advantage of the time I have now), I asked Ana to come as a model for half of the day (the second photoshoot), and then the other half to stay and help me along Ana M for the other shoot I'll have with Victor and Sonia.

Victor and Sonia - models

Both of them will be models for my shoot.



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