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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc



As I've said for my first photoshoot planning, choosing a location is a very important choice as it influences your whole photoshoot.

For this particular photo shoot, I decided to take the pics in my mom's art studio, I think the location fits the concept and vibe I want to go for and would allow me to exploit my creativity to the max. The space is very crowded an uncommon, with bricks on the floor and distressed walls, as it is in an old garage. It also has a bunch of items that I might want to use in my shoots, but that I will decide on the spot. Moreover, one of the walls is usually empty and painted white, so I think that would be a good spot to take my pics.

I went to see the space yesterday to look around and think of the spots and items I can use, as you can see in the pic above that my mom took of me, that's the white wall I was talking about, but it had an "in progress" painting on it that I will take down for the shoot to be able to take advantage of the wall.


In this case I won't need too many props for my shoot. Except the clothing I will use, I will only need:


- as for the other shoot, I will use the same camera that I'll borrow from my friend.


- this gives off a more industrial vibe to the shoot and make the composition more interesting overall, by being such big element apart from the model. Also offers the model a wider variety of poses for the shoot, as this shoot is not focused on portraits only.


- I also want to use some cigarettes to accentuate the relation to the real world as smoking is one of the most popular vices in youth.


- My other friend and model Ana B bought a ring light for her media studies photo shoots and she told me that I can borrow it for my shoots. I'm really grateful for this as buying a new ring light is expensive and good lighting is crucial for a good quality photos.

On the spot I might also decide to use some stuff I have around the studio, but that I'll decide on the spot.



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