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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


To start the creation of this double-spread, I created some artboards in illustrator and uploaded many pictures, documents and items I though could be part of the design. My main inspiration for this double-spread was the table of contents spread from Atlas Magazine Winter 2016 (seen on the upper right corner) and a page from Dazed Autumn-Winter 2019.


After looking for some more inspo, I decided to try something more interesting out for the left page, as it only had a title and an image, I wanted to do something more creative and eye-catching, while adding some colour so the two different themed shoots go well hand-in-hand.

I started to look for multiple ways of editing the picture, then decided to make only a part of it colourful and leave the rest monochrome. After succeeding to make it the red shade I liked, I played some more with the font and placement of the title "contents", until I found the right spot. Then proceeded to add all the information needed for this page, and I decided that the photography credits would be appropriate to be mentioned here. Finally, the page looked good and I could go to editing the next page to create an aesthetic, interesting and eye-catching content double-spread.


This page was a lot more complicated to design, as it had more components I had to make sure I included. I didn't want it to feel too crowded, but still had to include a lot of text and information. That's when I remebered an idea I had some time ago, that I saw in Atlas magazines. The use of their "a" as a staple throughout the whole magazine, which I proposed some time ago to my colleagues and we agreed to make use of this idea throughout most or all the issues, especially in the contents page. This idea also appears in the flat plans me and my colleagues made some time ago. For this I tried a few placements and ideas and finally decided to centre the pattern as big as the picture on the left to create somewhat of a symmetry and relation between the two pages.

The font I finally chose is different that the font we initially planned to use, but I tried multiple strokes for the "New Hero" font and none looked good, so I decided together with my colleagues to change the initial font to the "Minion Variable Concept" font through all the issues.

The titles for the articles/editorials are invented, I've named them considering what I would like my magazine to contain, this is the content I think is most appropriate for my issue, as this correlates with my vision for it. Some are the ones I've mentioned in the flat plans post, and some are new ones I thought of during the creation. of the magazine. The authors of the articles/editorial from the content table are either friends of mine or names I've invented, as these articles we're never written so I had to improvise. Many of the titles are unrealistic, including celebrities, but one can dream big:)

Overall, this was the hardest page to design as I had to respect many layout rules so that the content is easily readable and still looks good.

Here is the final Table of Contents Double-Spread:



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