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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


After creating the front/back cover and the contents page, the creation process for the editorial started. This was one of the most challenging things thought this whole experience because of the length of this part, it being 10 pages long. Same as the other pages, I've created them in Illustrator. I created multiple artboards and played with elements, pictures, writing and layout until I found the perfect combination that I feel made the editorial eye-catching, interesting and aesthetic.

See the screenshots of process and different variations of the designs and layout below:

I've decided to have a specific font used through this issue as I think it really puts some emphasis on the writhing, makes the page more interesting and is odd and different compared to other magazine titles. This is a great example of spontaneous and unplanned changes, as this was not something I thought of from the planning part, yet decided to do as I think it spices up the magazine a lot.

Here's the final pages:

Overall, I'm very pleased with how these pages turned out, personally, I would be very interested in the magazine itself and inside content, and I think the look of the pages is really eye-catching and the quality of the design at almost-professional level.



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