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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc



After many hours of scrolling through Pinterest, magazines and plenty of articles for ideas and inspiration, we finally made a choice upon our magazine's genre.

Fashion & Youth Culture

What do we mean by this?

We would like the magazine to primarily focus on fashion and style, with more of an artistic perspective upon youth culture, through promoting the next generation of creatives.

We haven't seen any other magazine identify with this specific genre yet, but we did get inspired from some magazines in order to create this hybrid genre, such as Dazed and Atlas.

Furthermore we are interested in touching topics related to contemporary social issues, that would attract our targeted audience and include their perspective, through editorials and specific articles.


Below you can see a moodboard that represents my perspective on the concept of "Fashion & Youth Culture" that I chose together with my team. Our moodboards are similar, however we've decided to each make a separate one since we are going to make separate issues of the magazine. Of course, as we progress with our concept, components from the moodboard might change, become archived or replaced with new ones, but this is a good start for Flair Magazine. These images all inspire us and help us shape the concept we have in mind for our magazine.


We also decided to create an instagram page for our magazine, to help the promotion of the magazine as well as increase the interaction with the audience, which as a result of our questionnaire, will be appreciated. Moreover, as we will start our coursework development the older posts might get archived and replaced with our own creations and work, so our intagram feed is contantly developing and changing.

To see our group's progress & more information and updates about Flair you can check our page here

Here you can have a better look at the mood-board:



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