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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


After creating the Masthead for our magazine, my team and I discussed and decided to each create a different issue of the magazine. We want our separate issues to focus on different topics, all revolving around fashion and youth culture. Each of us will have an issue from 1 to 4, as we are four members in our team.

The process of brainstorming was a very complicated one, I let the ideas flow for a few days and when I had good one, I quickly wrote it in my notes app. I thought of multiple topics, all revolving around similar concepts. I was sure that I want my magazine to be about youth and the way we think, act and evolve through fashion. All the concepts I thought of I wanted to revolve around fashion, since that is my main focus. I thought about revolving around the concept of retro future, also thought of revolving around the idea of trends and the fact that they get innovated and repeat in a way or another constantly every few decades, relating this to the passing of time. Moreover, I thought of concentrating my issue on the youthful mind, or mode of unconventional and revolutionary thinking.

Here's a raw screenshot form my notes app where I wrote all my ideas from this past week. Some I had while trying to fall asleep, some while doing sports, some while showering, but whenever I had an idea, I quickly wrote it down so I didn't forget it.

All these were ideas that helped me form my final topic for my issue


I came to the conclusion that the title 'Revolutionary Minds' would best fit my issue of the magazine. In an era of rapidly changing trends and mindsets among people, I believe that being someone who inspires and encourages others towards change is a crucial aspect of our evolution.

Therefore, as our magazine concentrates on fashion and youth culture, I decided on my photoshoots to express revolution, especially revolution within young people, young minds.

The concept of fashion, especially in youth, is something a lot more than clothing for me. It's a lifestyle, a culture, and I think the concept of revolution really resembles with what young people try to express through their way of dressing, much more than just looks, it's a way of thinking, a way of expressing yourself, your inner style, your personality, and most importantly allowing us to be whoever we want. Allowing us to be what this issue is all about: revolutionary minds.

To me, a revolutionary mind is an open mind, someone that is not submissive to an intellectual tradition. In simpler words, someone that is open to new ideas and opinions, but does not take them word for word, someone that rethinks what is told.

Revolution is not necessarily innovation. Some could relate revolution to innovation, these two concepts can relate but don't have to. A revolution is leading to change, it means to completely wiping out what has been done in the past and introducing or forcing a completely new way. An innovation is just a positive change, improvement. Revolution could be an incentive for innovation and innovation could be the result of a revolution. As I saw somewhere on the internet, Revolution is like inventing a new wheel. Innovation is making the wheel better.

I want my issue to portray this concept of revolution in relation to fashion in a more conceptual way, allowing the viewers freedom to interpretation.



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