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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


As a start for my research & planning part of my foundation portfolio, I've decided together with my team to start in more of an unconventional way, with the masthead, which is part of the planning process that is usually done after the research process. However, we wanted to have a clear view of our magazine and masthead before any work was put into the creation process, because in order for us to be able to create a successful magazine we need a strong masthead.

To start, we had a brainstorming session and came up with many name ideas. We wanted to choose a name that represents us as individuals, yet is very simple and easy to remember. See them below:

After some more discussing, we highlighted the ones we liked most (the ones in blue) and each voted on the one that we each liked most, which was eventually the word "flair".

flair - stylishness & originality 

We think this represents very well the first impressions we want to give, as well as what what we want to create. Moreover, the name is easy to remember and has a very simple definition, which could be easily communicated to the audience, therefore it can have a bigger impact on our viewers.

Now, it was time to decide on our logo, we made some rough sketches on a piece of paper with more ideas, see below:

We then took these designs in Adobe Illustrator and experimented while practicing working in the programme. This way we could visualize the designs more clearly and make a wiser decision on the final one.

After experimenting with Adobe Illustrator, we decided on two final versions of the logo. We are each going to choose one when our cover is done, depending on which would look better and more aesthetic.

Option 1:

This logo has a more minimalist and clean look, it's easier to use as it doesn't have a very complicated design, so it wouldn't limit our creativity when it comes to the cover, however, I think it's not as creative as the other option.

Option 2:

On one hand, this logo is more complicated, however, it's also more different and unique, I think it would have a bigger impact on our viewers and would make them look twice. On the other hand, it can limit the complexity of the cover's design.



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