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  • Writer's pictureIrina Cuc


For this process, I used Illustrator and Photoshop and tried to document as many of my steps as I could.

Firstly, I started with the picture I was almost sure I wanted for my front cover and played with the logo to see which one and how it looks best. Then I added the title and other writing in the format & font that I agreed with my team mates, but I ended up not liking it so I tried some new fonts. Then I added some new pictures as proposals for the cover and then decided to change the layout as I didn't like the overall look much. Then I played with the layouts, pictures and fonts some more.

Then I decided upon these final options , and after some consulting and thinking, I ve made a final decision upon the look of my main cover.

This is the final design for my main cover:

As for the back cover, I don't want anything very complicated, something more minimalist yet artistic and eye-catching, as many viewers check the back cover right after the front cover.

I debated upon three options: I thought of using one of the black and white pictures of Ana, so I'd showcase both shoot on the covers, I also thought of using the close up picture of Victor and I've also thought of using the long exposure picture of Victor. After putting them together with the front cover and some more thinking, I've decided to use the long-exposure picture of Victor as I think it is a very powerful, artistic and expressive picture, yet wouldn't necessarily be appropriate for the main cover. After choosing the image, I've added a barcode, for selling purposes and wrote the magazine, issue number and title again.

Personally, I think the cover and back cover turned out incredible, especially as a duo together.



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